Studying abroad can change your life. It provides an opportunity to meet new people, challenge your world view, immerse yourself in a different culture, 并获得宝贵的经验,这将塑造你的余生.

There are almost endless options when it comes to finding a study abroad program. You can find a program that meets your academic, personal, and professional goals. 通过正确的课程,你可以获得学位学分,这样你就可以按时毕业. Financial aid can apply to many programs. 出国留学的费用可以与在美国留学的费用相媲美 Hope.

It takes time, planning, 以及校园众多部门的协调,使出国留学成为可能. Begin the process at least one year in advance. Your first step is to use the Find a Study Abroad Program page to research programs online. 国际胜博发体育app项目办公室也提供相关信息.

来到国际胜博发体育app项目办公室,与你的留学协调员交谈,了解你需要采取的步骤,并指导你完成要点. 我们在这里帮助你创造一生难忘的经历!

Meet Your Study Abroad Coordinator

Judy Kim
Study Abroad Coordinator

朱迪自2010年以来一直在国际胜博发体育app项目办公室工作. She has been the Study Abroad Coordinator since 2012. 从加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得心理学学位后,朱迪来到中国教英语. 这段经历使她决定与国际胜博发体育app合作,现在又帮助国内胜博发体育app出国旅行,让他们开阔视野,改变自己. She encourages every student to pursue studying abroad.

Judy Kim
International Student Programs Office
Lawson-Fulton Student Center Suite 202
[email protected]
(714) 879-3901 ext. 1698

There are hundreds of study abroad programs. 使用下面的在线工具来找到一个适合你的学术和个人目标的. 重要的是,你的留学项目必须得到HIU的批准,这样你才能保持希望胜博发体育app的身份, utilize Financial Aid, and transfer credits to Hope.

Best Semester

最佳学期计划是由基督教学院和大学理事会(CCCU)提供的校外学习计划。, and are good options for Hope students. 许多项目提供服务学习和实习机会. BestSemester programs are approved by Hope.

BestSemesteTM, a division of the Council for Christian Colleges & 大学(CCCU)自豪地在世界各地提供12个校外和出国留学项目. 最佳学期课程旨在通过全面的体验式学习方法来补充和扩大传统校园的机会.


  • 丰富的学术经验,最多18个小时的学分
  • 对国内外文化有高度的了解
  • dedicated and caring program faculty and staff
  • meaningful regional and/or local excursions
  • 有机会与其他具有不同信仰实践和观点背景的胜博发体育app一起努力解决现实世界的问题

BestSemester Programs

Nazareth Evangelical Theological Seminary (Israel)


如果你找到另一个你感兴趣的项目, 和你的留学协调员谈谈,看看这个项目是否得到了大学的批准. If it is not an approved program, 你必须在你预定的开始日期之前开始审批程序.

Dongseo University (Korea)

东西大学是我们在韩国釜山的姐妹大学. 东西方大学全球部提供多种英语授课课程,旨在拓宽胜博发体育app对全球问题的看法. 东西大学还开设了韩国语课程,胜博发体育app们可以在这里学习韩国语和文化,并参加各种文化体验活动.

Keimyung University (Korea)

启明大学为国际胜博发体育app开设了许多英语课程,并开设了课外活动,帮助胜博发体育app了解韩国. Keimyung University is located in Daegu, South Korea.

Myongji University (Korea)

明知大学是韩国首都一所充满活力的大学. 明知大学在本科和研究生阶段为有兴趣出国留学的胜博发体育app提供各种英语课程.

Living & Learning Semester (Ecuador)

The Living & Learning Semester program offers internship, missions, ministry opportunities, 以及在发展中国家面临挑战的背景下,从基督教世界观出发的学术课程.


Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

联邦佩尔助学金获得者有资格申请该奖学金. 吉尔曼奖学金是由教育和文化事务局赞助的.
Deadline: March.

Boren Scholarships & Fellowships

对非洲不太常用的语言感兴趣的胜博发体育app, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. 本科生最高可获得2万美元,研究生最高可获得3万美元. 截止日期:研究生1月,本科生2月.